My 100 things I am thankful for

1. Warm Water
2. Warm Weather
3. Toilet paper
4. Austin
5. Alana
6. Gavin
7. Katie
8. Jeremy
9. My family
10. The 28years I had with my mother before losing her
11. The 27 years I had with my oldest brother before he left this world.
12. Good friends
13. a house
14. a good job
15. an excellent boss
16. Sunshine
17. Spring
18. Dr. Pepper
19. Yorkies
20. My backbone
21. My car
22. My health
23. broccoli
24. Running water
25. Electricity
26. Democracy
27. The good relationship I have with my kids
28. The strained relationship I have with some family members (it is better than none, right?)
29. Books
30. Writing
31. My sight
32. Garbage service
33. Blood donation
34. Organ donation
35. The ability of Medical Science to use both.
36. My mother in law
37. A washer
38. A dryer
39. A good sex life
40. Depression medication
41. The telephone
42. Music
43. computers
44. Internet
45. scrapbooking
46. digital scrapbooking
47. Furnaces
48. central air conditioning
49. my hearing
50. An ex husband. (not sarcastic or mean. He taught me a lot about who I am and how to stand up for myself and my kids)
51. The friendship and love that I have with my husband that will take us through anything
52. Friends that have known me since the very beginning
53. Friends that have recently came to be
54. My extended family
55. Opportunities
56. Fountain sodas
57. My bed to sleep in
58. Enough
59.POST IT NOTES!!! (love those little suckers)
60. cookie dough ice cream
61. camera & ability to take ok pictures
62. prayers answered and unanswered
63. karma
64. Girlscouts
65. feminine hygene products
66. liquid stitch
67. divine intervention
68. vacations
69. laughter
70. soap
71. penicillin
72. teachers
73. dentists
74. pretty sunsets
75. Daylight savings time
76. my kids health
77. weekends that Jeremy is home
78. caller ID
79. Facebook
80. Paper towels
81. Towels that are really soft and fluffy
82. Pens that write really nice
83. Automatic transmissions
84. The ability to forgive without forgetting
85. Laptops
86. The opportunity to go to school to get a degree that is way over due
87. Chili
88. Honey Bunches of Oats
89. Friends that are meant to be put into your life for a reason
90. Sleeping in on the weekends
91. The ability to do whatever I want basically
92. nailpolish
93. Tall chunky shoes that are cute
94. birds that make a lot of noise as they are in the trees flying south for the winter
95. My kids ability to adjust
96. God
97. Feeling Him working in my life
98. My ability to write well
99. friends that leave your life for a reason
100. My heart and all the things and people in it and how much it can hold.

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