Happy-ness (My things that make me happy)

After yesterday's angry post, I want you all to know that I am not angry all the time. I have lots of things that I am thankful for and lots of things that aren't things that make me happy on a daily basis. SO since you all read yesterdays, here is a dose of my happiness.

1. Cuddling with my 11 year old. I never thought that he would still want to crawl up onto my lap and let me hold him and rub his back while talking about things he did when he was small.

2. Seeing the pride that is in Alana and Gavin's eyes when they show me their papers from school that they got back from the teacher with either a 100% or a sticker or a smiley face.

3. Playing peekaboo with Katelynn. She is SO much fun.

4. Coming home after working all day and having ALL my kids rush to greet me, and even little miss Emily "flower" yelling Anny's home!! Anny's home!!!

5. Pat. She has been through so much crap with me and yet she still loves me. She is my kids Other Mother. If she hadn't been in my life all this time, I wouldn't be where I am today.
6. I am thankful that we have a roof over our head, and food in the refrigerator, and clothes on our backs.

7. I am VERY thankful that Jeremy hasn't had any issues thus far driving back and forth between here and TN every other weekend.

8. Jeremy...He is my rock, my love, and my forever.  I wouldn't have been able to have made it through the last 4 years with out him. He was what kept me grounded going thru the most horrible years of my life. He knows all my deep dark secrets, desires, and even the ones that I shouldn't think and he still loves me and shows me that every day.

9. I am so blessed to have all of my family healthy and content. We may not see eye to eye on most things but they are mine and I am glad that they are ok.

10. I love when my kids are all happy and content with each other and not fighting and just playing together. (It is rare but when it happens I truly enjoy it)

11.  Movie night!! We all pick a movie (Well they do) and Austin makes popcorn, we have our blankets and pillows all over the living room floor and we cuddle and watch whatever it is.

12. Driving my car. I know this sounds materialistic and probably pretty stupid, but I don't get to drive it except one day every other weekend. And I LOVE my car. probably way more than I should. But it is mine and I have worked hard to have it and I miss it. (now if I can just get Jeremy to wash it so it doesn't look so crappy when it comes back....)

13. Hearing one of my favorite songs just start playing when I get in the car to leave to go home so I get to hear the WHOLE thing.

Those are a few of the things that make me happy.  What makes YOU happy?


  1. It makes me happy to crawl into bed at night knowing I had a wonderful day with my girls.
    It makes me happy to stay home with my girls and watch them grow and learn.
    It makes me happy to go out to dinner with my husband...to a quiet restaurant!
    It makes me happy to hear my friends are doing well and happy. :)

  2. Those are great things to be happy about. and thank you for posting. :)
