My LA, Katie

Yesterday I took my Katie along with Gavin and Alana to a neighbors baby's first birthday party. They had an 18 foot water slide!

Gavin & Alana had a blast going down the slide. Katie not so much. I took her down once and another friend did too and she was less than impressed. She was much more content to play on the swingset with another little girl that was there.

She is such a character! If I had a dollar for every time someone said how cute or adorable she was yesterday I wouldn't be having financial issues!

I do not know how my baby has become a toddler/preschooler! This two years has flown and she sure didn't stay little long. I held a little boy yesterday that is 1.5 yrs old but is super teeny and it really made me miss the little girl cuddles that I used to get from Katie. But I do get some cuddles still! And now I get Lushh ewww's from her too. (I love you's in case you don't speak Katie) She is talking up a storm and just about every day she comes up with more words/phrases that she can say.

**To my fellow blog hoppers, I am sorry this isn't much. I don't do so well on short notice and this is the 2nd Sunday that Jeremy has had off in about a month and a half so I need to be present and accounted for with him or it could get ugly lol**


  1. Hey this was a perfect blog post! I agree two years has passed waaaayyyyyy to fast! I want my baby back sometimes too.

  2. I sometimes miss the little small one that I could leave in one place and she'd still be there when I got back from the bathroom.
