Holy moly!

Wow the changes that have happened in the last month. Whew. I am tired just thinking about all that I have done. Happy and sad too but done.  I finally have all  most of the house put together. Living room is mostly done including decorations and a new (to me) couch and coffee table and rug that we got from someone who was moving out of their house around here. He said they were bought 5 months ago and they are AWESOME! so pretty and pretty cheap too! (LOVE that!) I have gotten rid of some a TON of stuff since I have been here. I think I have hoarder tendencies (thanks mom! lol) and that combined with not having a garage here and not having a basement here vs having both in IL really came to a head. I don't know where I put everything.  But I am making progress and getting receipts so hopefully it will help next year with tax time. Now that I have quite a bit less (still a work in progress obviously) I do think I may try to sell some stuff.

I can't wait to have a little bit more done so I have time and have things a little more organized so that I can scrapbook a little again. I have so many things that i want to do now that I have time. I do miss being in IL a little bit though. I miss Austin so much. It seems like he is having so much fun with Jason (which is good but still painful) but it just seems like he doesn't miss me at all. That makes my heart hurt. I worry about Alana too. She misses Jason and Austin a lot. It is getting a little easier for her now that she has been in school and is starting to know some kids in the neighborhood. She is ecstatic. The little boy (11) and little girl (9) next door are back now from vacation and her and Alana are BEST FRIENDS already. It was so sweet. We went down the street yesterday and they were skipping and holding hands. OH MY was that cute. I am SO happy that they are here too. They just moved here a month before us so I think they are gonna be buddies. Gavin and the boy hit it off pretty good too. Gavin misses Austin a lot. They played all the time and he hasn't found too many little boys here yet.

I am starting to figure out where everything is with the exception of one stupid intersection. I can NEVER go the way I want to go on the first try! I love going to Kentucky for groceries! They have no food tax. So anything that you can eat/ingest you don't pay tax on. It is awesome. I miss Culver's the closest one is in Bowling Green and  I haven't made it that far yet. There are 3 Pizza places here that I have seen, 2 chinese places, a couple little restaurants, hardee's, McDonald's and a Subway I wasn't too impressed with.  Oh and Arby's.  I wish there was a place like Raber's around here. But no go yet. Maybe in Bowling Green or Madison.  I have met quite a few new people (obviously). The lady across the street has 2 little girls (4 & 7 months). She is nice. Then one of Alana's new friends Kylie came down the other day with her mom. That was kinda cool. She is nice too. I can't believe the differences between people there and here. Down here everyone! is super friendly. I mean like walk up to you even though they have no idea who you are and start up a conversation friendly. So hopefully I will be able to make friends. I signed up for a moms group for me and Katie. I don't know if I am still "in" or not since I haven't been able to go yet. :o(

So I am finding out that paperwork when you move to a different state SUCKS! I can't get my drivers license changed until I get a copy (has to be a CERTIFIED copy) of BOTH my marriage licenses, a certified copy of my birth certificate, mail that comes to my name to my new house (I have NOTHING in my name anymore lol)  and I think 4 other things PLUS my underwear & bra size!!! (just kidding about that last part but that is what it feels like!)  Went to take Katie & Gavin to the dr, and THAT was a nightmare. They haven't gotten their insurance card yet and aren't in the system yet. In IL they would have seen them anyway & billed me for the appointment which I would have turned in to insurance after I got the card. NOOOOO that would be too easy here.  They told me to pay them (fine whatever but I can't do it for 3 kids with what they wanted me to pay them) wouldn't bill me or see the kiddos with out either. Then the kids were being kids and we ended up waiting almost an hour to get seen. UGH So glad I don't have to do that today.

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