Summer update

My little Austin isn't so little anymore. He seems to be starting to hit the "tween" stage. I hope that this isn't a foreshadowing of what is to come for the teen years.  Asserting his independence, getting a little more lippy and backtalkish (is that even a word?) Done with 5th grade and now on for 6th. Man this boy makes me feel old! Austin, you are a great first born. I am so proud of who you have become. You are a sweet and sensitive little lover of a boy. You have your mischeif (that I love seeing in your eyes!!) but you really truly never mean anyone or anything any harm. (except for maybe Gavin and Alana.)

Alana~ still alana. Outgoing, wonderful, no stranger knowing, smiling, hormonal almost 7 year old, light of my life. Alana, you are the most awesome little girl anyone could know, now could  you please slow down a little bit for me? It is so great to see you developing your sense of humor, and personality. You always want to help and always want to have a hand in anything. (Although, please quit picking up Katelynn and acting like she is a doll. She IS breakable!!)

Gavin- You are growing up so fast!! Hard to believe that you are getting close to being 7. you have lost all your baby fat (not that there was much to begin with!!) and you got your first black eye this weekend. You ran head first into Austin's light saber!! It swelled up pretty good and had two bloody spots then the next day turned purple! Surprisingly enough this is your first major accident so far. ::knock on wood::

Katelynn: WOW. You are going way too fast for me. You are crawling, pulling up on things, and sitting up in all of a matter of a week. How is it possible that you are almost 9 months old? I just brought you home yesterday!! You are a huge joy to me. Every morning you are so happy to see me when you wake up. It is like you have waited SOOOOO long to see me. You are developing your own sense of humor and adore your brothers and sister. You absolutely light up when you see them.

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