Ok so I am gonna be all cry-ey whiney for a minute!! I MISS my little boy... He has been away at camp all week and I haven't see or talked to him for 4 days! That is unheard of. And I don't like it one little bit!! Yes, I realize that he is having a blast. Probably hasn't thought about me one time on his little mini vacation with his friends. Yes, I realize that he was cringing at me as I was taking a few (quick painless with no friends seeing) pictures. BUT I miss my boy. I know he is getting big and I know he isn't a little boy anymore but he still is to me. And I don't think I have NOT had him this long since when Jason and I first split up. And MAN it SUCKS!!!! Then talking to Jason yesterday, I realized that I forgot that he has them ALL next week for his summer vacation week with them. So not only have I NOT had him all week or talked to him, this is his weekend with his dad PLUS his vacation week with him next week. So his schedule will be , come home from camp, 2-3pm tomorrow (I will be at work mind you till 5), his dad will pick up him and Alana at 4:30 (BEFORE I even get home!!!) and have his weekend with them. Since Alana has a birthday party to go to, their dad asked if they can just stay overnight on Sunday (which makes sense because I will take away part of his time with at least Alana on Saturday), which means that I will not have them except for about 1/2 hr in the mornings before I leave for work. (They get dropped off at my house for our babysitter to keep them during the day) So lets recap here. Dropped him off on Monday. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12........TWELVE days without my oldest baby boy. (I will get them back on the 18th) then the 20th is Fathers day. SHIT....I miss him. But all I gotta say, is he was SO excited to be going to camp and I hope that he has had a GREAT time!

But I wonder. Did he miss me? did he get scared at night without a nightlight? Were the other kids nice to him? Did he have any other problems? Did him and Kyle fight? Did he get scared with the storms we had? Or was it all happy hunky dory sunshine and rainbows?

I am a mother through and through. I miss my boy and I miss the little boy he was. But I am proud of him for becoming so adult like. I kinda wondered if he would end up calling me to come and get him early. But he hasn't. So I guess I gotta start letting go a little bit. But you won't catch me doing it willingly!!

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